The Ohio State University Medical Center
- 16,000 SF of New Construction
- 60-80 Surgical Case Carts
- Project Value: $7.2 million
Synergent Services:
- Coordinated Design of New Central Sterile Supply Department
- Owner’s Representative for Owner-furnished Furniture and Equipment
- Vendor Contract Administration
- Project Facilitation / Project Management
- Commissioning Oversight
Synergent Contributions:
- Moved department over a long weekend with no loss in processing support.
- Developed a detailed project schedule and budget.
- Generated detailed Furniture & Equipment lists and floor plans
with more than 560 items. - Provided a clear interface between owner, building teams, equipment consultant and vendors.
- Closed the project on time and within budget.
Scope of Project (2003-2005)
- $850,000 in New Equipment
- Four (4) STERIS 444 Washer-Decontaminators
- Two (2) STERIS 777 Tunnel Washer-Decontaminators
- Three (3) Clean-Up Counters
- Ultrasonic Cleaner
- Pass-Thru Dryer
- Automatic Cart Washer
- Twelve (12) Prep & Pack Stations
- Two (2) Sterrad Sterilizers
- Two (2) ETO Sterilizers
- Four (4) Steam Sterilizers
- Interface with Automated Transport System for Case Cart Management
Key Synergent Consultants:
- Sherri Babcock
- Mia Turpel